UNRWA’n?n baz? personelin 7 Ilk te?rin'de Hamas'?n ?srail'e müteveccih sald?r?lar?na kar??t??? iddias? üzerine Gün bat?s?l? ülkeler tesisa müteveccih fonlar?n? fenerya alm??t?.3 gündüz boyunca istem toplayacak ?irket toplamda 44.200.000 TL nominal k?ymettar paylar 30 TL çak?l? fiyattan sat?lacak ve sat?lan paylar ferdî yat?r?mc?lara tay
Benim Muş Başlarken Çalışmak
Atakule Shopping Mall Modern shopping areas are mostly found in K?z?lay, or on Tunal? Hilmi Avenue, including the ça?c?l mall of Karum (named after the ancient Assyrian merchant colonies called Kârum that were established in central Anatolia at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC) which is located towards the end of the Avenue; and in Çankaya